Arthritis, arthrosis treatment program

“Doctor, my joints really hurt,” the patient says,
“How old are you,” the doctor asks?
- 70
- Did you get sick at 40?
- Of course not;
- at 50?
- Also no.
- And at 60?
- Nooo…
“Well, when will they get sick, if not now?”

It is this joke that comes to mind when it comes to deforming arthrosis. And also, I recall the first reaction of the patient when he feels pain. Everyone is told, and the cabbage leaf is applied, and they walk on their knees, or they begin to squat strenuously. The result is only increased pain. And they also lose precious time, and then the window when real help is most effective. Because when irreversible changes in the joints appear, it is difficult to help, and sometimes the patient already needs a joint replacement.

And if with deforming arthrosis it takes several years for the joint to break down, then rheumatoid arthritis and other arthritis of an inflammatory nature take much less time.

The disease occurs imperceptibly, and in fact, at the age of 40, there may not be any pain, but quite often the pain does occur, but it is not very strong and the person simply ignores it. He seeks help only when it hurts very badly. It’s hard to walk and even serve yourself. Often hurts at night, in an uncomfortable position. Therefore, in order for the last phrase of the joke to sound different, you need to start treatment at 30, 40, 50 years old, when arthrosis is just beginning, so that at 70 you can travel, work for your own pleasure, and not be a burden for your children.

The staff of the medical center  «Medical practice of health»  has all the possibilities of high-quality joint treatment. The combination of advanced technology and therapeutic exercises is the key to maintaining healthy joints. It is these, the above-mentioned factors, that make our joint treatment unique. Before starting treatment, the patient is examined by a rheumatologist. At the consultation, the doctor determines the extent of your problem, determines whether the pain is actually caused by inflammation in the joint, and not in the vessel or nerve ending. If necessary, immediately examines the affected area using ultrasound, the examination is carried out independently. This approach allows you to correctly diagnose and begin the correct treatment. Further, laboratory tests and other additional examination methods are carried out for the purpose of initial diagnosis or in order to confirm a previously made diagnosis.

How we treat joints:

Treatment with electromagnetic waves of superhigh frequency with precisely specified parameters of wavelength, frequency and strength can significantly affect the metabolic processes in the cartilage and tissues that surround the joint. They also have a powerful ability to inhibit inflammation in the joint. Microwave therapy (EHF) is prescribed both as a separate method and in combination with other physiotherapeutic methods, and in the latter case its effectiveness is enhanced ten times.

In the treatment of joints, diathermy and electrotherapy devices are widely used. They belong to a number of advanced technologies. High-frequency thermal energy, which is generated by the apparatus module through the emitter, is supplied to certain parts of the body by contact or remote (5-6 cm from the surface of the body) method. A wide range of powers makes it possible to affect the joints in different ways, depending on the degree of inflammation and degeneration of the joint. The duration of the procedure ranges from one to thirty minutes. It is this apparatus that helps stop the destruction of cartilage.

Electrotherapy – is another technological «know how» - an apparatus in which combines a group of electric currents that have anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous effects and reduce spasms of the soft tissues that surround the joint. It is indispensable in cases where it is necessary to reduce pain in the joint and tissues surrounding it. When using the power of this device, you can refuse painkillers.

Treatment with a laser, the effect of which is based on monochromatic coherent radiation, which directly affects the joint and contributes to increased oxygen uptake, increased intracellular respiration, and the accumulation of molecules that release energy during decay. All this taken together contributes to the protection of the cartilage and the surrounding tissues.

A very important aspect in the complex of treatment of deforming and other types of arthritis is therapeutic gymnastics. Yoga-based exercises help maintain joint flexibility, avoid deformation, and improve the patient’s quality of life. Daily exercise of therapeutic exercises improves nutrition of the joints, since during their implementation there is a full-fledged «nutrition» of the cartilage and connective tissue that the joint consists of.

All of these devices are far from the entire arsenal of our clinic, which is used to treat joints. There is a quantum therapy apparatus

Cold therapy, the principle of the cold, is first a narrowing of the vessels, which leads to a significant reduction in inflammation. A little later, there is a vasodilation and an improvement in blood supply to the affected area. It is used not only for the treatment of joints, but also in cosmetologists. It is very effective after injuries (ruptures of ligaments, dry veins, muscles, menisci, soft tissues), and after operations.

More on joint diseases:

Deforming osteoarthrosis is one of the most common diseases of our time among people aged 30 to 60 years. In this arthritis, cartilage is destroyed with a violation of the amortization function of the joint and damage to the periarticular tissues (muscles, ligaments, tendons). Deforming osteoarthritis is accompanied by pain, the intensity of which ranges from insignificant to intense. Pain mainly in the knee and hip joints. The origin of the pain is ambiguous, partly due to mechanical irritation and partly to inflammation. 50% of those suffering from deforming osteoarthritis may not feel pain, and therefore not be aware of their illness.

Among other symptoms, stiffness, fatigue prevail, especially after exercise. Movements in the joints become very limited due to pain and deformation, the strength of the muscles that surround the joint decreases, the elasticity of the ligaments and tendons also decrease, they also become inflamed and destroyed, losing the ability to perform their function.

For the treatment of deforming osteoarthrosis of the joints (knee, hip, shoulder, ankle, and small joints of the hands and feet), we most often use EHF in combination with electrotherapy, massage, laser, ultrasound with local injection of drugs. We widely use diathermy, especially in conditions where articular cartilage is severely destroyed. An integral part of the treatment of osteoarthritis is the training of therapeutic exercises. This is a very important aspect of treatment, as a person continues to help his joints after treatment is already outside the clinic, and how systematically he exercises and determines the health of his joints.

Rheumatoid arthritis

Systemic inflammatory disease with a primary lesion of small and medium joints. The disease affects mainly young people and has a less favorable course compared to other arthritis. If the disease is not treated, then on average in one or two years the articular cartilage is destroyed, and the tissues surrounding the joint atrophy. Movements in such joints become more complicated and become impossible over time.

You may have seen hands of people suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. They resemble walrus fins when the index finger and the fingers following it are turned towards the little finger. It is difficult for such people to dress, fasten buttons, tie shoelaces and do other, at first glance, simple manipulations of hands. A person with rheumatoid arthritis risks losing his ability to work.

The disease is based on autoimmune inflammation of the joints (a change in the state of immunity promotes the release of biologically active substances, the so-called inflammatory mediators, which can cause inflammation in the joints, tissues that surround the joint, cause inflammation of other organs). In addition to joints, vessels, kidneys, etc. can be affected. The cause of the disease is not completely clear, but genetic tendency (congenital inferiority of the immune system) and viral infection (Epstein-Barr virus) are of great importance.

The factors provoking the development of rheumatoid arthritis include: acute infection or exacerbation of chronic infection, stress, trauma, puberty and menopause, adverse climatic conditions (spring, autumn).

Joint treatment for rheumatoid arthritis is complex, complex, and lengthy. This includes taking medications that affect the body’s immune status and control inflammation; physiotherapeutic treatment and obligatory medical gymnastics.

Physiotherapeutic treatment includes electrotherapy. This is a device that combines a group of electric currents that have anti-inflammatory, decongestant effects and reduce muscle cramps. It is indispensable in cases where it is necessary to reduce joint pain. It is this action that is of value in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, which allows to reduce the dose of anti-inflammatory drugs and, accordingly, to reduce their negative impact on the internal organs of the patient.

High protective properties were shown by laser and ultrasound scanning. The laser action is based on monochromatic coherent radiation, which directly affects the joint and enhances the absorption of carbon, enhances intracellular respiration, accumulates molecules that release energy during the decay, which in turn protects the ligaments, tendons, muscles that surround the joint from destruction.

No less important in the complex of treatment of rheumatoid arthritis is therapeutic gymnastics. Exercises help maintain the flexibility of the sutures, avoid deformation and improve the quality of life of the patient. Daily exercise of therapeutic gymnastics helps protect joints from deformity characteristic of rheumatoid arthritis.

Since the disease is chronic and requires constant monitoring and correction of treatment, the patient is under constant (sometimes online) medical supervision.

Reactive arthritis

This is a non-purulent inflammation of the joints that arose after an acute infection (genitourinary, intestinal, etc.). It usually occurs in people who have a genetic tendency to this disease. Young people and middle-aged people get sick.

What are the features of reactive arthritis?

There is a lesion of the knee, ankle joints, as well as mainly the lumbar spine. A characteristic marker of reactive arthritis is damage to the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, eyes, urinary tract, etc., and is manifested in the form of stomatitis, conjunctivitis, urethritis, diarrhea. Skin lesions in the form of plaques and thickening of the skin of the palms and feet are also characteristic. Nails are also affected. Very rarely, the aortic valve, pleura, nerves, kidneys, lymph nodes can be involved in the process. Joint pain with reactive arthritis can be different. It varies from insignificant to very strong, up to a temporary disability. Edema, redness (fasciitis) can also be manifestations of reactive arthritis.

Main reasons.

Microorganisms that contribute to the appearance of reactive arthritis are the causative agents of diseases such as dysentery, yersiniosis, salmonellosis, campylobacteriosis, chlamydia, etc. The manifestations of reactive arthritis can resemble those of psoriasis, gout, ankylosing spondylitis.


Treatment for reactive arthritis is necessary, as arthritis can recur. Relapse is possible with re-infection. Perhaps a chronic course of reactive arthritis. Medication consists of taking antibiotics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, drugs that affect the body's immune status (sulfosalazine, methotrexate, etc.). In severe cases, glucocorticoids are used. Of the non-pharmacological methods in «Medical Practice» in the treatment of reactive arthritis, microwave resonance therapy is widely used, which exposes both the body’s immune system and the infectious agent, which actually caused the disease. Short waves lengths act on biologically active points of the human body. This accelerates biochemical reactions and enhances the enzymatic activity of the body's immune cells, which helps to strengthen the activity of immunity in the fight against infection.

The combination of microwave therapy and antibiotics significantly increase the patient's chances of recovery.

Laser and ultrasound scans have a pronounced local anti-inflammatory effect, this makes it possible to reduce the dose of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and it is possible to avoid the appointment of hormonal drugs. During treatment, the patient is under constant medical supervision.


This disease is caused by high uric acid in the body. This may be due to poor excretion, excessive production, or the ingestion (with food) of uric acid into the body.

This disease manifests itself in the form of arthritis. The joints of the lower extremities are mainly affected – by the ankle and knee. Translated from ancient Greek gout means a trap for legs. Symptoms of gout: sharp pain, redness, swelling of mainly one joint. Attacks of gout appear after eating fatty meat, alcohol. Gout is also exacerbated after physical overload.

Hyperuricemia, i.e. excessive accumulation of urate salts in the body leads to their accumulation in joints, kidneys. This can cause the development of nephropathy, gouty nephritis, which is manifested by the appearance of protein in the urine, arterial hypertension and the further development of renal failure. From the foregoing, it becomes clear that this disease should not be ignored. Of key importance in the treatment of gout is a diet with the exception of meaty fatty foods, legumes, and alcohol. But, unfortunately, this is not enough. Without drugs, it is impossible to achieve a normal level of uric acid in the blood of patients with gout.

Physiotherapy is important in countering acute gouty arthritis. Laser and ultrasound scanning, electrotherapy allow you to quickly relieve an attack of acute gouty arthritis. The electrotherapy unit combines a group of electric currents that have anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous effects and reduce muscle spasms that surround the joint. It is indispensable when it is necessary to quickly remove inflammation in the joint.

A powerful anti-inflammatory property has a laser and ultrasound scanning. The laser action is based on monochromatic coherent radiation, which directly affects the joint and contributes to increased oxygen uptake, increased intracellular respiration, the accumulation of molecules that release energy during the decay, which in turn reduces inflammation and protects ligaments and other soft tissues from atrophy and destruction.

The combination of drug and hardware treatment can stop the attack of acute gouty arthritis as soon as possible. In the interictal period, the doctor continues to treat the patient, prescribes medications and procedures to remove uric acid from the diet and prevent repeated attacks of acute gouty arthritis.

Psoriatic arthritis

This is an inflammation of the joints that develops in approximately a third of patients with psoriasis. In most cases, changes on the skin are the first to appear, but debut from joint damage or the simultaneous appearance of skin and joint symptoms is also possible.

How is psoriatic arthritis manifested:

As a rule, distal interphalangeal joints are affected, changes are accompanied by a change in the nail plate. Arthritis can have a different course from minor pain to severe with swelling in the joint. With psoriasis, damage to the kidneys, lungs, heart, aorta, and liver is possible. Often there is a generalized increase in lymph nodes and muscle atrophy, eye damage. Often enthesites develop, especially in the area of the Achilles tendon.

With any form of psoriatic arthritis, the development of spondylitis, sacroileitis, which resembles ankylosing spondylitis, is possible. Sometimes during an exacerbation, the fingers resemble sausages, this happens when all joints, the tendon of the vagina and soft tissues of one finger are affected. Also, with psoriatic lesions, the appearance of painful calcaneal spurs is characteristic. In severe, untreated cases, ankylosis and osteolysis of the phalanx are possible.

A combination of several joint diseases is possible: psoriasis and gout (usually secondary), psoriasis and reactive arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and defartrosis, etc. Therefore, with the appearance of conjunctivitis, uveitis, pain in the heels, spine, buttocks, pain and swelling of three joints of one finger at the same time (dactylitis), it is urgent to consult a rheumatologist, especially if there is a psoriatic rash on the skin or damage to the nail plates.

Treatment of psoriasis coincides with the treatment of other rheumatological conditions that manifest in a similar way. Medications include basic treatment at the doctor's recommended dosages, as well as anti-inflammatory drugs.

It is possible to reduce the dose of anti-inflammatory drugs if they are combined with non-drug therapies such as therapeutic exercises, laser and ultrasound scans, microwave resonance therapy and electrotherapy. The mentioned methods can significantly reduce joint inflammation, and also have an immunostimulating effect on the body. This is important because the disease itself is associated with impaired immunity.

Having undergone treatment in the «Medical Practice of Health», our patient has a unique opportunity to receive treatment using various methods, which significantly increases the chances of recovery.

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