Our Methods

h1 methods

Ankylosing spondylitis, or bechterew's disease - modern treatment

Ankylosing spondylitis, or bechterew's disease - modern treatment

Ultrasound scan

Ultrasound scan

Limb rehabilitation after injuries, surgeries and damage to the ligaments

Limb rehabilitation after injuries, surgeries and damage to the ligaments

Rehabilitation after removal of the intervertebral hernia, the problem of neuropathic pain

Rehabilitation after removal of the intervertebral hernia, the problem of neuropathic pain

Pain in the shoulder joint. A simple problem solution or a difficult challenge?

Pain in the shoulder joint. A simple problem solution or a difficult challenge?

Spinal disc herniation treatment methods

Spinal disc herniation treatment methods

Facial neuritis - quick recovery

Facial neuritis - quick recovery

Scoliosis: treatment and prevention

Scoliosis: treatment and prevention

Lumbago - how to quickly overcome the pain

Lumbago - how to quickly overcome the pain

Treatment of joint diseases

Treatment of joint diseases

Treatment of varicose veins

Treatment of varicose veins

Polyneyropathy treatment by reflexotherapy methods

Polyneyropathy treatment by reflexotherapy methods

Damage to the articular tissues

Damage to the articular tissues

Vertebrogenic-discogenic cervicobrachialgia - neck and arm pain

Vertebrogenic-discogenic cervicobrachialgia - neck and arm pain

Migraine — prevention of attacks, treatment

Migraine — prevention of attacks, treatment

Tunnel syndrome or compression ischemic neuropathy / cin / - experience in the treatment of neurological pain

Tunnel syndrome or compression ischemic neuropathy / cin / - experience in the treatment of neurological pain

Gymnastic exercises for sick joints

Gymnastic exercises for sick joints

Treatment of varicose disease and trophic ulcers by helocast

Treatment of varicose disease and trophic ulcers by helocast

Vegetative vascular dystonia (VSD) - treatment by the methods of reflexology

Vegetative vascular dystonia (VSD) - treatment by the methods of reflexology

Ultrasound of joints and soft tissues

Ultrasound of joints and soft tissues

Experience in the treatment of diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system

Experience in the treatment of diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system

Gipertonichna twig, method lіkuvannya

Gipertonichna twig, method lіkuvannya



Acupuncture and reflexology in the treatment of diseases of internal organs and systems

Acupuncture and reflexology in the treatment of diseases of internal organs and systems

Rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis

Orthopedic insoles

Orthopedic insoles

Exercises of treatment gymnastics in interderbinal hernia

Exercises of treatment gymnastics in interderbinal hernia

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